Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I should have known when I looked at the brochure and it said to cut the meat into pieces, this wasnt going to be easy.  I had a 2 1/2 Kilo of Pork and it was too big to sit low enough for me to use the top grill for the veggies or to do a dessert.  I didnt want to cut the meat up so left it.

I baked the meat for an hour (piggy backing a small oven with apples in).

I peeled and sliced three apples and fried them in butter added about a half a cup of chicken stock and cooked it all for about an hour, then I mashed it and added some pepper and salt and took it off the heat. I then put the veggies in alongside the meat in the UDO. I knew I would be lucky for them to crisp and not just steam. 

After another hour and a half the meat was cooked and the veggies three quarters cooked and the crackle blubber!!!!

I am on a learning curve with this new oven and am happy if the end result is edible; being at home I waved the magic wand (the microwave) and got perfect crackle.  I refried the veggies cooking them the bit more they needed and crisping them up. The meat was great and so was the apple sauce.


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